Friday, January 4, 2008
erm guys?!update a little?... seems that this blog is gonna be dead lets try to keep it alive?cheechin..are u going to continue the contract?cos i tink sl and i will not continue reply me yeah..
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
6:43 AM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
17-12 to 23-12mon- 6 to 10.30tues- offdaewed- 12.30 to 11.00thurs- 6 to 11.00fri- 6 to 10.30sat- 10.30 to 9.30sun- 6 to 11.00
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
11:52 PM

hey guys..
i've gort my name tag..u guys gort it le mahs..
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
4:14 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
shilin's schedule...
monday 11-3
wednesday 5-9
friday 11-3
sunday 5-9
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
7:58 AM
Friday, December 14, 2007
monday 5-9
wednesday 11-3
friday 5-9
sunday 11-3
* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
7:05 AM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
goodluck to all b'div a good game tmr(:kampahteh neh..* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
8:03 PM
today went to damai with meiyun..
we went there to see the c'div play..
they are quite good but the others were better..
think they still need to train hard..
nvm..jiayou bahs(:
cheechin'.'* my S H A T T E R E D dreams_
8:00 PM